Interview with Owner of El Floridano Food Truck, Stephan Boillon
Stephan Boillon is El Floridano, or “the guy from Florida,” owner of the El Floridano food truck and one of the chefs cooking for A Taste of Common Good. He has been working in kitchens since he was 12, when his job was to chop parsley and clean shrimp in his various family members’ restaurants. He attributes his love for the culinary arts to this unique upbringing. And after several years working as an executive chef and running restaurants, he is now owner of El Floridano food truck and owner of a soon-to-open DC restaurant, Mothership. But now, let’s focus on his current business—El Floridano Food Truck. Stephan’s sandwiches are inspired by the tropical flavors that he experienced growing up in South Florida. “I’m a big sandwich eater” he says, and there weren’t many food trucks, nor were there other sandwich food trucks driving the streets of DC five years ago. So he created simple sandwich menus—today’s menu features Cuban, Puerto Rican and Vietnamese flavor profiles. You can find El Floridano during your lunch break at various spots in the city throughout the week. Stephan is a believer in knowing where your food comes from; he says people should be “more in touch and realize there is a circle of life and that everything is not just pre-packaged food from the supermarket.” We are excited to welcome Stephan to the Farm and to experience the dishes that he creates using produce harvested at Common Good City Farm on October 11th. First photo by Abby MasseySecond photo by Darrow Montgomery published in Washington City Paper