Join our 2025 CSA!
Become a member of our 2025 CSA! Pick up fresh fruits and veggies starting in May!
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA ) is a system that directly connects farmers and consumers. People buy "shares" of a farm's harvest in advance and then receive a portion of the crops when they are harvested.
Each year we grow a diversity of vegetables - from spring carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, eggplant, kale, hot peppers, beets, beans, okra, sweet potatoes, to herbs and salad mix, and several varieties of local greens.
To address the rising demand for fresh produce, we've teamed with 4P Foods. Our sourcing strategy places a priority on bolstering predominantly local, women, and BIPOC-owned farms.
The shares will be packed with 7-9 produce items each week from Common Good City Farm and regional farms. Our CSA share is vegetables and some fruits.
Have a question about our CSA? See our FAQ here.
CSA Pick-up Details
Pick up at Common Good City Farm's Farm Market
Wednesdays 3:30 - 6:30 pm
May 28 - October 29
300 V St. NW
Washington, DC 20001
Call (202) 559 - 7513 if you have any trouble locating the farm
We will be under the pavilion on the Farm, inside the Park at LeDroit.
Sponsor a Share
Do you want to help promote food security and sustainability in the DC community? You can make fresh, healthy produce available to under-served residents of DC by sponsoring a CSA share. Make a donation today.
Tentative Produce Availability by Season
To learn more about what you might expect in your share throughout the growing season, please visit our What We Grow page.
- We will do our best to provide a wide variety of produce each week. Because farm produce may be subject to circumstances outside of our control, we cannot guarantee specific produce availability.
- If the market is cancelled due to extreme weather, we will email you as soon as possible.
What's in it for you?
- The food is fresh! You’ll taste the freshness in your foods because you’ll pick up most crops the day they were harvested.
- You get to see your food being grown! If you have questions about our growing practices -- about soil fertility or nutrient management or pest control or weed control -- just stop by the farm and ask! We love talking about it, and we love sharing how we do things.
- Diverse diets are healthy diets! As a CSA member, you’ll discover new vegetable varieties and receive tips and recipes on how to prepare them.
- Eat seasonally. You’ll taste the changing seasons and learn when various vegetables thrive in our local climate.
- Eat locally. Common Good City Farm is right here in LeDroit Park, so if you live in that neighborhood or any of the surrounding neighborhoods -- Shaw, Bloomingdale, Eckington, etc. -- there's no food that's grown closer to you than this!
- Support urban agriculture! By buying vegetables before they’re harvested, you’re sharing the risks and rewards of small scale, ecologically sustainable urban farming. Your membership lends crucial support to this organization, demonstrating clearly that there can be good-food farms and pleasant green patches of earth in the middle of the city for generations to come.
- Oh, and it's cheaper! The security of your early commitment allows us to provide you with extra value. What's in your CSA share each week costs less than if you bought it all at our farmstand. That's how much we appreciate our CSA members!
What's in it for us?
- We get to develop deep relationships with the people who eat our food. We like food and farming a lot! It’s a treat for us to see our CSA members over the course of a season and talk with you about food, farming, and your CSA experience.
- We build community! We have customers who accept the uncertainties of farming. We want your CSA share to be a great value and a great experience. We’ll do everything we can to ensure an abundant share for you. However, when crop yields are low, we know you’ll be understanding.
- We have a positive impact on our communities. Our growing practices and our foods support a healthy city and healthy people. We like that.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a CSA?
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a food access tool and membership that provides farmers market customers with a once-a-week or bi-weekly box of locally grown, in-season fruits and veggies which are available for pickup.
Why join a CSA?
CSA’s provide fresh food (usually harvested on pickup day) at a lower cost. This is also a chance to meet new veggies, get to know your farmer, and support local agriculture. For a family of 3-4, you’ll see savings around $300-$350/month by investing in a CSA.
How does it work?
First decide which share size best fits. A full share or weekly pickup includes 7-10 veggies each week. A full share is best for families of 3-4. A biweekly pickup is the same quantity as the full share, however pickups are every other week. The biweekly share is perfect for the first timer, and those who travel on a regular basis. We set up our Farmers Market every Wednesday at Common Good City Farm. You arrive, let staff know you are here to pick up your share. Feel free to shop for extra items, ask for info on what's in your share or good recipes!
How do I know if a CSA is right for me?
✅ Like to cook 1-2 times a week
✅ Want to save money on veggies
✅ Have some seasonal favorites and would like to meet some new veggies
✅ Prefer supporting small farms over big corporations
🙅 Prefer to eat out 3+ times a week
🙅 I’m happy with my grocery bill
🙅 My current veggies and I are getting serious and I’m not looking to try anything new
🙅 It’s something about the bright lights and unhappy staff that really does it for me
What happens if I miss a week?
We need at least 1 week’s notice to change your pick-up date to a different Wednesday. This helps us to know when to pack your CSA for the freshest possible produce. However, if you are a no call/no show we will assume you want to donate your share to a neighbor or community member. There are no refunds for missed weeks.
Can someone else pick up my CSA share?
Yes, we know that life happens and pickups can be missed. We are in this together, simply send us a message of the name of the person picking up for you.
What if I receive produce I’m not Familiar with?
We will provide recipes and information on produce that is unique to what’s in your share. Please don’t hesitate let us know if you have any inquiries about the produce you received.
I couldn’t pick up my share during the normal market hours. How can I pick up my food?
Please send us a message at least 24 hours before your scheduled pick-up date informing us to hold your share for a pick-up day/time later that same week. If we don’t hear from you we are happy to donate your share to a community member.
Which price tier should I choose?
There are three price tiers, higher, median and lower income. We ask that you use your best judgement. If you have the resources please consider the higher income tier, this helps to offset costs related to our food access efforts in LeDroit Park.
Can I pay in installments?
Yes, please send us an email if you’d like a payment plan.
What is a monthly share?
A monthly share is perfect for someone that doesn’t cook often, travels frequently, perfect for 1-2 people that just want to drop in from time to time to say hi! It is the same size as the full share, however there are only 5 pickups.
Notes about the Price Tiers
Consider paying more on the scale if you: Own the home you live in, have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money, travel recreationally, work part-time by choice, have access to family money and resources in times of need, have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.) Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, we ask you to recognize this as a choice.
Consider paying less on the scale if you: Are supporting children or have other dependents, have significant debt, have medical expenses not covered by insurance, have tuition/educational expenses, receive public assistance, have immigration related expenses, are a senior citizen.
The scale is intended to be a map, inviting each of us to take inventory of our financial resources and look deeper at our levels of financial privilege. It is a way to work towards economic justice on a local level. While we do ask you to look inward, please don’t stress about it. Pay what feels right.
I have a question that was not addressed here, who can I talk to?