LEAF and Little Farmers Take Off!


The opening of the season in April also means that our youth programs started as well! This year LEAF and Little Farmers are starting the season looking for signs of spring all over the farm. Little Farmers focused on seeds, talking about how plants start from a seed and then end up producing their own seeds. They also explored how different plants produce different looking seeds. Participants made seed balls and planted flowers in pots to grow at home. They also got a lot of practice with watering in the youth garden, which will certainly come in handy this summer! LEAF also worked in the youth garden and classes have covered signs of spring, herbs and seeds. They churned their own herb butter (in a mason jar), then the next class they made popcorn and used the herb butter as a topping. On one very exciting day LEAF students used dried cornmeal from corn grown last season to make homemade tortillas, which were very tasty! They've weeded and watered and started a three sisters garden by planting corn for this year.

LEAF's overall focus is on the farm to table experience- participants will help on the farm, learn about nutrition and different ways to prepare fresh produce, and make a healthy snack with farm fresh ingredients during each class. At Common Good City Farm we believe in the power of intergenerational learning to create strong and robust communities. If you have youth or children in your life, we encourage you to bring them out to experience the farm through LEAF and Little Farmers. LEAF: Wednesday and Sunday from 4:30-5:30pm April-October. LEAF is free and no registration is required. Little Farmers: Mondays 10-11am April-October. Little Farmers has a suggested donation of $5 per class, but is always free for income qualifying families. Pre-registration isn’t required, but we appreciate it anyway. You can pre register here.