Faces of the Farm ~ Meet Ron and Tony!

Ron and Tony just might have one of the most interesting viewpoints of the farm: as Property Managers for the DC Housing Authority working at the nearby Kelley Miller apartments, Ron and Tony often enjoy looking at the farm from the rooftop! “It's beautiful!” Tony says, “I love looking over and seeing it, how it's all organized in rows.” “It really looks nice from the top of the building,” Ron agrees. They both appreciate the beauty, and the delicious vegetables, that the farm adds to the community. And these two gentlemen have been fondly admiring and visiting the farm for many years. “I remember when Prince Charles came to visit! I loved to see him and see how many people came over, how excited they got about the farm,” Tony remembers. The two men love coming to the farm to pick up some the fresh veggies. Ron was excited to share his goodies with his grandmother, who is a great chef. “Veggies and steak on the menu tonight!” Ron said about what he was going to do with his haul. Thank you for keeping our community beautiful, Ron and Tony! -- One of the most compelling elements of Common Good is the sense of community that is being fostered on the farm. At any given time one can see faces, young and old, from different backgrounds, gathered on the farm to lend a hand, attend a workshop, and engage in a lively conversation. We want to share some of these faces with you. Each week we will take a moment to learn a little bit more about our community members. We hope you will visit us and become one of our Faces of the Farm. Every Friday we will feature a new "face of the farm."
