Faces of the Farm ~ Meet Madison!
Meet Madison! Madison hasn’t been at Common Good City Farm for long, but has already made lots of friends with our volunteers and neighbors! Madison, an 18 year old senior from a boarding school in Virginia, is spending the month of May as an intern for CGCF. Seniors at her high school are required spend their last month of school working at nearby organizations in order to graduate. Madison chose to do her “Washington Project” at Common Good City Farm after visiting the farm last year as part of a science trip.
Madison is a great and hardworking intern, with boldness and an interest in people beyond her years! Stop by the farm and she will make you feel welcome. Madison says her favorite thing about the farm is “connecting with people and nature at the same time. It’s a unique experience that is hard to get other places.” She has also learned a lot in her brief time at the farm. “I can appreciate my food more, now that I see where is comes from,” she says, “Working at the farm has inspired me to eat more healthfully.” We will certainly miss Madison when she leaves for the summer, but we know she will do great things at Baylor University! -- One of the most compelling elements of Common Good is the sense of community that is being fostered on the farm. At any given time one can see faces, young and old, from different backgrounds, gathered on the farm to lend a hand, attend a workshop, and engage in a lively conversation. We want to share some of these faces with you. Each week we will take a moment to learn a little bit more about our community members. We hope you will visit us and become one of our Faces of the Farm. Every Friday we will feature a new "face of the farm."