Thank you for an Incredible 2013!

2013 was an incredible year for Common Good City Farm. Throughout the year, we harvested and distributed over 5,000 pounds - more than 18,000 servings of fresh, healthy produce; engaged over 80 low-income community members through our Green Tomorrows program; taught over 700 youth through our Youth Education program, which includes field trips, LEAF after-school program, and Youth Employment Program; hosted 20 Growing Gardens Workshops; and worked with over 600 volunteers. These achievements are in no small part a product of our diverse, generous, and enthusiastic community of supporters. THANK YOU to the following foundations, agencies, businesses, schools, and individuals for partnering with Common Good City Farm in 2013. Grant Funders All Souls Unitarian Church Bank of America Charitable Foundation CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Cedar Tree Foundation Clark-Winchcole Foundation Clif Bar Family Foundation Corina Higginson Trust District of Columbia Housing Authority Green America John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation Patagonia Environmental Grants Program Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriot Foundation Safeway Foundation Share Fund The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region The Rossetter Foundation United State Department of Agriculture Department of Civil Rights United States Department of Agriculture Community Food ProjectGrowing Gardens Workshop Instructors Bradley Kennedy, Courtney Fischer, Damien Ossi, Emily Burrows, Erin Kennedy, Gail Knight, Hillary Banachowski, Jared Felty, Josh Singer, Juju Harris, Meghan Olivier, Michael W. Twitty, Patty Ceglia, R. Aziza Caines, Sasha Forbes, Stefano and Heidi Briguglio, Tambra Raye Stevenson, Tricia McCauley, Wendy Kiang-Spray. Summer Youth Program Workshop InstructorsBrainfood , DC Public Libraries: Shaw and MLK branches, Interfaith Youth for Climate Justice, Louise Meyer of Solar Household Energy, Mia Artson of the Chinatown branch of Citibank, Radic Art, Real Food Real Jobs, Smithsonian Gardens, Sophia Maravell of Brickyard Educational Farm, Split This Rock. Community Lunch Contributors Chef Atilla Suzer of Bacio Pizzeria, Chef Ebeth Johnson of Whole Foods P Street, Chef Greer Gilchrist of Blind Dog Cafe, Chef Logan McGrear of Smoke and Barrel, Chef Peter Prime of Shaw’s Tavern. Small Enterprise PartnersArcadia Mobile Market, Bacio Pizzeria, Birch and Barley, Blind Dog Cafe, Cause - The Philanthropub, John & Kira's, La Mano Coffee Bar, Meridian Pint, Pleasant Pops, Shaw’s Tavern, Smoke and Barrel, Whole Foods P Street, Tabard Inn. Volunteer Groups Connectivity Team-PWC, Cornell Alumni, Dartmouth Green Alumni, Environmental Protection Agency, FedBid, Georgetown Gardening Club, Green Souls, Interfaith Youth for Climate Justice, Latham & Watkins, New America Foundation, Sweetgreen, Syncadd, ULI Young Leaders, Wash University Alumni, Xi Zeta Omega. Field Trip Visitors Brent, Bridge PCS, British School, CAPCS-Butler Campus, Capital City Charter, Center City Charter, Cesar Chavez Prep, DC Prep PCS, Deal Middle School, Georgetown Day, Jubilee Jumpstart, Ludlow Taylor, Mundo Verde, National Cathedral School, Noyes Education Campus, Parkside High School, Seed School, Sheridan School. A Night on the Farm Contributors SponsorsFedBid, Inc., Relay Foods, Whole Foods P Street. Restaurants & Food Producers2Armadillos, Banana Love Muffins, Big Bear Cafe, Blind Dog Cafe, Goose Eats, Mothership, Mockingbird Hill, Smoke & Barrel.Auction DonorsBeau Thai, Green Hat Gin, John & Kira’s, Leafylead Lotions & Potions, Love & Carrots, Marcella Kriebel, Red Hen, Stephanie Slewka, Why Food Works, Yoga District.BandElijah Jamal Balbed Quartet, Charles Fishman, Jeff Anthony.Special ContributionsOld City Green, Steven Salky & Gail Ifshin, Union Kitchen. We would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the individual donors, volunteers, and program participants that contributed to a successful 2013. THANK YOU!
