Recipe of the Week: Garden Gazpacho

Here's a great way to use a lot of farm-fresh produce! Gazpacho, a chilled Spanish soup, uses a tomato base and many other types of vegetables. This soup is perfect to make on a hot day like today. Take advantage of this great summer recipe before this weather is gone! Garden Gazpacho Ingredients • 2 large, ripe tomatoes • 1 small cucumber • 1 bell pepper • Handful of basil and cilantro leaves • 1 clove garlic • Juice from 1 lemon or 1 lime • Salt and pepper to taste Instructions 1. Chop the tomatoes, cucumber and pepper into chunks. Cut the garlic into small pieces. Tear up the basil and cilantro. 2. Put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor. Make sure you get all the tomato juices! Blend the soup until smooth. You might need to do this in batches, and you can decide how smooth you want your gazpacho to be—some people like it chunky. 3. Add salt and pepper to taste. Chill your gazpacho in the fridge until you are ready to serve. 4. This recipe makes 2 one cup servings. Over the summer we will post recipes featuring fresh ingredients that we are growing on Common Good City Farm. Check back weekly to see what we are harvesting!
