Faces of the Farm
One of the most compelling elements of Common Good is the sense of community that is being fostered on the farm. At any given time one can see faces, young and old, from different backgrounds, gathered on the farm to lend a hand, attend a workshop, and engage in a lively conversation. We want to share some of these faces with you. Each week we will take a moment to learn a little bit more about our community members. We hope you will visit us and become one of our Faces of the Farm.Meet Howard: “Hi, my name is Howard. I was born in DC and have lived in Northeast all my life. I am an employee of Common Good City Farm Summer Youth Program. I wanted to work with Common Good so that I could learn more about how to take care of my own personal garden in the future. I’ve learned many things here at the farm, like about how to compost and how to harvest different vegetables. Today I worked with the chef from Shaw’s Tavern to cook a lunch for everyone to share. It turned out really good. ”